The 10 Best Web Strategy Agencies in Montreal - 2025 Reviews

Top Web Strategy Agencies in Montreal

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All Web Strategy Consultants in Montreal

  • 5
    (9 reviews)

    Digital marketing done right ✅

    Top awarded
    GVN Marketing Co., Ltd. is a data-driven marketing firm that provides specialized services for e-commerce and businesses seeking digital transformation or optimized growth. Our team combines analytical and creative talents to develop strategies that deliver strong, high-quality results. Join us if you're a perfectionist and analytical person looking for a company that respects your time and facilitates your marketing efforts.
    Looking for work in Web Strategy
    Located in Montreal, Canada (+1)
    From €1,000 for Web Strategy
    Worked in Real Estate (+5)
    Speaks English, French(+1)
    11-50 members
  • 4.9
    (8 reviews)

    Innovations technologiques pour un avenir intelligent

    Highly recommended
    Axis Intelligence est une société spécialisée dans le développement de solutions technologiques avancées. Nous accompagnons les entreprises et les gouvernements en développement de solutions d'intelligence artificielle, de cybersécurité, développement web/mobile, l'intégration de solutions IoT intelligentes et de gestion des données pour répondre aux défis de l'ère numérique.
    Looking for work in Web Strategy
    Located in Montreal, Canada (+11)
    From €1,000 for Web Strategy
    Worked in E-commerce (+14)
    Speaks English, French(+2)
    201-500 members
  • 4.8
    (24 reviews)

    Digital Culture Agency | Agence de la Culture Numérique

    Top awarded
    Nous sommes une agence de communication digitale basée à Paris & Montréal. Chez biggerband, nous pensons que les marques n'ont pas vocation à devenir plus grandes mais à devenir meilleures. D'ailleurs, vos consommateurs ne souhaitent pas vraiment que votre marque devienne plus grande ou plus grosse. Ils souhaitent qu'elle devienne plus proche, plus rapide, plus efficace, plus responsable… Meilleure quoi. Notre mission ? Mettre la communication digitale au service de la performance des marques. La vraie. Celle qui fait avancer. biggerband = better brand
    Looking for work in Web Strategy
    Located in Montreal, Canada (+1)
    From €1,000 for Web Strategy
    Worked in Food (+14)
    Speaks French, English
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (8 reviews)

    Notre métier: mettre en valeur le vôtre

    Top awarded
    Wink Stratégies est une jeune agence née à Montréal en 2013 et implantée en France depuis 2016. Passant de trois à près de trente employés en cinq ans, l’agence connaît une croissance soutenue qui a poussé des clients de domaines d’activité très différents à lui faire confiance, en Amérique du Nord comme en Europe. Agence de communication 360°, Wink Stratégies est composée d’une équipe pluridisciplinaire , avec notamment des chargés de projets, spécialistes de la communication et du webmarketing, graphistes, webdesigners, développeurs web, spécialistes du référencement, des réseaux sociaux, ou encore des relations publiques. La diversité des talents en interne permet d’envisager chaque projet avec une vision globale et concertée. Ce qui différencie l’agence, c’est son équipe de passionnés , conjuguant créativité et rigueur afin de développer des solutions innovantes et efficaces pour ses clients. Personnellement attaché à la réussite des projets, chaque membre de l’équipe veille à ce que le client soit pleinement satisfait des résultats autant que du contact avec l’agence tout au long du projet. Depuis 2015, l’agence a reçu plusieurs distinctions en design Web et créativité média et nominée à la catégorie Agency of the Year aux prestigieux AWWWARDS.
    Looking for work in Web Strategy
    Located in Montreal, Canada
    From €1,000 for Web Strategy
    Worked in Software & Computer Services (+13)
    Speaks French, English
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (9 reviews)

    Making Connections | Créer des connexions

    Marketing strategy, content creation, SEO, design, web development, analytics and more: our team creates and leverages the optimal set of digital assets to reach your communication and marketing targets. Powered by our expertise in digital marketing, ZERDA DIGITAL brings together the agility level and the multidisciplinary skills required to optimize your marketing resources and effectively seize opportunities. ............. The ZERDA difference Fully integrated approach bolstered by marketing expertise and an in-depth understanding of your challenges and objectives. The ZERDA promise Tailored solutions that make the most of available technologies and elevate your digital presence. The ZERDA attitude Genuine collaboration mindset, no matter your location. The ZERDA offering Expertise in consulting, execution and performance management. ............. > Our head office is in Montreal (Canada). ________________________________________________________ Stratégie marketing, design, contenu, SEO, développement Web, technologies analytiques et plus encore : notre équipe conçoit et déploie l’arsenal marketing optimal pour atteindre vos objectifs. Propulsée par une expertise en marketing numérique, ZERDA DIGITAL réunit les compétences multidisciplinaires et le niveau d’agilité exigés pour vous permettre d’optimiser vos ressources marketing et saisir les opportunités. ............. La différence ZERDA Une approche réellement intégrée, fondée sur une expertise marketing et une compréhension approfondie de vos défis et objectifs. La promesse ZERDA Des solutions dynamiques qui tirent avantage des technologies offertes et consolident votre présence numérique. L’attitude ZERDA Une réelle culture de collaboration, quelle que soit votre localisation. L’offre ZERDA Une expertise en matière de rôle-conseil, d’exécution et de gestion des performances. ............. > Notre siège social est à Montréal (Canada).
    Looking for work in Web Strategy
    Located in Montreal, Canada (+1)
    From €1,000 for Web Strategy
    Worked in Construction (+6)
    Speaks English, Arabic(+1)
    11-50 members
  • (0 review)

    Continuum Communication, agence de marketing numérique et de conception web

    NOTRE CULTURE Profondément ancrée à Montréal, Continuum Communication vous offre des services Web et des solutions en marketing numérique adaptés à vos besoins. Notre mission est de vous aider à bâtir votre image et votre réputation sur le Web. SERVICES Tous nos services vous sont proposés par des gens qui aiment ce qu’ils font et qui aiment le résultat, que ce soit dans l’élaboration d’une stratégie numérique qui rejoint votre clientèle, des contenus qui parlent à votre communauté ou un site qui interpelle.
    Looking for work in Web Strategy
    Located in Montreal, Canada
    From €1,000 for Web Strategy
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English, French
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)
    OPC – EXPERIENCE MAKES THE EVENT Organization. Planning. Communication. Three strong pillars reflecting the foundations of the agency's expertise. The combination of these three pillars allows the perfect symbiosis that creates memorable events and unique experiences. OPC is a team of accomplished professionals for whom each project is viewed as an opportunity to communicate a strong and meaningful message through an outstanding experience. Here, experience makes the event.     O With unswerving logistical support, we lay the groundwork of your event and manage all needed suppliers to ensure that everything runs smoothly. P Right from the start, we will accompany you by establishing a well-defined strategy that includes a realistic timetable, along with flawless budgeting and material planning. C We design your event scenario and integrate it into a global communication strategy, where effective branding and a strong theme convey a meaningful message.
    Looking for work in Web Strategy
    Located in Montreal, Canada
    From €1,000 for Web Strategy
    Worked in Entertainment & Events
    Speaks English, French
    11-50 members
  • (0 review)


    Digitad - Agence Marketing Web Digitad délivre aux entreprises de toutes tailles, des entrepreneurs aux grandes structures en passant par les artisans et les PME, des résultats marketing numérique élevés à des tarifs accessibles. Notre différence : la promesse d’un même niveau de service, de transparence et d’accompagnement quelque soit le budget de nos clients. Nos offres de services: Référencement naturel (SEO) Référencement Google Ads Gestion de médias sociaux Publicité de médias sociaux Marketing de contenu Conception de sites web Formations
    Looking for work in Web Strategy
    Located in Montreal, Canada
    From €400 for Web Strategy
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English, French
    51-200 members
  • Agence spécialisée en création de sites web, SEO et Publicité sur Google. Offres à partir de 250$. Chaque expert est certifié Google. Contactez-nous!
    Looking for work in Web Strategy
    Located in Montreal, Canada
    From €1,000 for Web Strategy
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)
    At BAM Strategy, we believe a clear brand strategy transforms the client and agency relationship into a partnership that unites us with consumers. We are veteran strategists, applying our proven knowledge and knowhow to create online experiences that turns consumers into brand loyalists.
    Looking for work in Web Strategy
    Located in Montreal, Canada
    From €1,000 for Web Strategy
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English
    51-200 members
  • (0 review)
    FLY Conseils est une agence de stratégie web montréalaise fondée en 2009 par des passionnées des technologies, du web et du marketing. L’agence offre un ensemble de services variés couvrant toutes les sphères de l’environnement web allant de la planification stratégique au suivi des performances, en passant par l’implantation de l’ensemble des tactiques marketing et web. Notre équipe d’experts est composée de talents dynamiques et pluridisciplinaires qui s’affairent à établir, implanter et mesurer les stratégies web afin de faire du web un véritable levier stratégique.
    Looking for work in Web Strategy
    Located in Montreal, Canada
    From €1,000 for Web Strategy
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English
    11-50 members
  • OptiWeb Marketing is an internet marketing business based in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, specializing in SEO, Website Optimization, Website Design, Internet Marketing and E-Commerce. We deliver cost effective website services to our many clients all over Canada and the United States.
    Looking for work in Web Strategy
    Located in Montreal, Canada
    From €1,000 for Web Strategy
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English
    11-50 members
  • (0 review)

    Spécialisée en développement de site web, campagne numérique et automatisation marketing. Partenaire HubSpot Diamant.

    Looking for work in Web Strategy
    Located in Montreal, Canada
    From €1,000 for Web Strategy
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English, French
    11-50 members
  • Repositionnement de marque, stratégie de développement et créativité depuis 1975. Branding, publicité, design, marketing direct et interactif.
    Looking for work in Web Strategy
    Located in Montreal, Canada
    From €1,000 for Web Strategy
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English, French
    11-50 members
  • Custom Content Factory is the leading web content development firm in North America. We offer web copywriting, blog posts, articles, press releases, web content marketing and strategy services and more. Our search engine optimized content converts ...
    Looking for work in Web Strategy
    Located in Montreal, Canada
    From €1,000 for Web Strategy
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English, French
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)
    Empire Pixel is a digital agency based in Canada that aims to make its clients happy by taking care of their business needs at the right time and for the right purpose. They approach every project as if it were their own, with a strong commitment to seeing their clients succeed. The agency has a talented and diverse team of professionals from various backgrounds and cultures worldwide, who work together to deliver engaging stories, memorable experiences, measurable standards, and cutting-edge technology to promote brand success and business strategy. They offer cost-efficient and highly engaging solutions for a variety of brands and businesses. Empire Pixel has partnered with several businesses to build and optimize their websites and mobile applications, helping them establish their presence on the web in a short period of time.
    Looking for work in Web Strategy
    Located in Dollard-Des Ormeaux, Canada
    From €1,000 for Web Strategy
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English
    11-50 members
  • Index Web Marketing est une agence composée d'experts en communication web, basée a Montréal. Notre objectif premier est d'assurer une meilleure visibilité de votre entreprise sur internet. Notre force réside dans notre importante culture Web et notre compréhension de toutes les facettes d'un projet Web. Lors de la conception de site Internet, nous nous assurons que le site ne soit pas seulement beau, ergonomique et fonctionnel. Nous voulons aussi qu'il soit visible! En effet, pourquoi créer un site Web s'il n'est pas visité? Pour garantir cela, chacun de nos sites est pensé en fonction de paramètres de référencement dans les moteurs de recherche.  Index Web Marketing se distingue aussi par sa facilité à vulgariser le jargon des « Internets ». Parce que chaque client est maître en son domaine, le succès d’un projet ne peut être attribuable qu’aux seules compétences d’une firme Web. Pour Index Web Marketing, un bon produit sera toujours le fruit du mariage de deux expertises : la nôtre et celle du client. Nous comptabilisons aujourd’hui plus de 500 mandats avec plus de 120 partenaires. Explorez votre potentiel d'affaires aujourd'hui!  -- Index Web Marketing is an agency of experts in digital marketing, based in Montreal, which ensures better internet visibility for your company's brand. Index Web Marketing stands out thanks to its strong web culture and its ability to understand all aspects of a web project. When creating a website, we are not just satisfied with a beautiful, ergonomic and functional website. We also want to make your website visible. We believe it is pointless to create a website if nobody visits it, that’s why each and every one of the websites we create are SEO friendly. Index Web Marketing also stands out because of its ability to clarify the “Internets” jargon. Because the clients know their business better than anyone, a web firm cannot take all the credit for the success of a project. For Index Web Marketing, success will always result from the alliance of two expertises: ours and the client’s. Currently, we count more than 500 projects with more than 120 partners. Explore your business opportunities today!
    Looking for work in Web Strategy
    Located in Montreal, Canada
    From €1,000 for Web Strategy
    Worked in Retail
    Speaks French, English(+1)
    11-50 members
  • (0 review)

    It's not just about strategy, it's about delivering results.

    LeadX Studio is a Digital Agency in Montréal, Québec, Canada. We create digital experiences that move the needle. We don’t just build for beauty; we build for results, ensuring every action has growth at its core. Our approach is hands-on, with every strategy designed to perform and every design engineered to convert. Because your success is our purpose. Services offered: - Digital Strategy & Growth Consulting - Lead Generation & Digital Performance Marketing - Creative Design & User Experience (UX) - Websites that Convert Our team has over 30 years of combined experience in the following fields: - Marketing & Customer Acquisition (SEO, Google AdWords, Facebook Ads, E-Commerce, etc.) - Web Development - Web Design & User Experience (UX) - Content Creation (web copywriting, social media management) Need help but not sure where to start? Call us for a Free Web Consultation and we'll gladly help you get to the right direction!
    Looking for work in Web Strategy
    Unknown location
    From €1,000 for Web Strategy
    Worked in Retail
    Speaks English, French(+1)
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)

    Nous sommes des partenaires de marque

    supramega est une agence de croissance digitale. Nous nous spécialisons en marketing numérique, SEO, CRM, développement web et UX/UI. Nous accompagnons les entreprises dans leur croissance numérique en proposant des stratégies web spécifiques d'acquisition et de conversion. Nous travaillons pour des clients tels que L’Oréal, Uber, Ralph Lauren, Jouviance, BMW, ou encore Valtech, mais aussi pour de nombreuses PME.
    Looking for work in Web Strategy
    Located in Paris, France
    From €1,000 for Web Strategy
    Worked in Music (+11)
    Speaks English, French
    11-50 members
  • (0 review)
    Looking for work in Web Strategy
    Located in Blainville, Canada
    From €1,000 for Web Strategy
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English, French
    1-10 members

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How to select a Web Strategy expert in Montreal?

What is Web Strategy?

Before beginning to define your requirements for your next Web Strategy project, it is important to understand what it is all about. The digital era has never been so diversified regardless of of the particular set of skills that our Web Strategy experts will be able to assist you with. Hiring the ideal service for your job starts with the right definition of your requirements.

A Web Strategy agency helps companies understand how to use the Internet strategically. They may have a team that specializes in a variety of different disciplines, such as usability, technology or marketing.

Web Strategy identifies to the overall strategy developed and designed for a business or an organization so as to gain maximum advantage from the Web. Web Strategy is the basis of all online marketing applications, such as search engine optimization (SEO), social networking marketing, internet advertising, and e-marketing. Web Strategy is an integral component in the internet advertising procedure. Internet Strategy Definition is an inclusive, but detailed analysis of Internet Strategy Planning. Web Strategy Agencies are experts in this important arena of internet marketing.


Web strategy is the process of designing and developing a website or web application. It includes everything from defining the goals of the website to designing the layout, optimizing content, and creating user experience.Some of the most important aspects of web strategy include:- Defining the goals of the website- Designing the layout- Optimizing content- Creating user experienceTo help you find the best web strategy agency for your business, we’ve compiled this list of top web strategy agencies in Montreal. Browse descriptions, feedback, and awards to find which can best suit your company’s needs.

What can Web Strategy agencies do for you?

If it comes to Web Strategy, clients may expect various kinds of services and/or deliverables from our agencies. In Sortlist, we have observed a trending need in Montreal for solutions that included:

  • Web Analysis & Strategy
  • Group Brainstorming
  • Consulting, Design & Development
  • Email Campaigns
  • Lead Generation (with email and social)
  • Customer services

Discover what other have done.

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Création de site internet

Création de site internet

Création de site internet

Création de site internet

Création de site internet

Création de site internet