Index Web Marketing, Montreal | Sortlist
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Index Web Marketing

Montreal, Canada
Index Web Marketing est une agence composée d'experts en communication web, basée a Montréal. Notre objectif premier est d'assurer une meilleure visibilité de votre entreprise sur internet. Notre force réside dans notre importante culture Web et notre compréhension de toutes les facettes d'un projet Web. Lors de la conception de site Internet, nous nous assurons que le site ne soit pas seulement beau, ergonomique et fonctionnel. Nous voulons aussi qu'il soit visible! En effet, pourquoi créer un site Web s'il n'est pas visité? Pour garantir cela, chacun de nos sites est pensé en fonction de paramètres de référencement dans les moteurs de recherche.  Index Web Marketing se distingue aussi par sa facilité à vulgariser le jargon des « Internets ». Parce que chaque client est maître en son domaine, le succès d’un projet ne peut être attribuable qu’aux seules compétences d’une firme Web. Pour Index Web Marketing, un bon produit sera toujours le fruit du mariage de deux expertises : la nôtre et celle du client. Nous comptabilisons aujourd’hui plus de 500 mandats avec plus de 120 partenaires. Explorez votre potentiel d'affaires aujourd'hui!  -- Index Web Marketing is an agency of experts in digital marketing, based in Montreal, which ensures better internet visibility for your company's brand. Index Web Marketing stands out thanks to its strong web culture and its ability to understand all aspects of a web project. When creating a website, we are not just satisfied with a beautiful, ergonomic and functional website. We also want to make your website visible. We believe it is pointless to create a website if nobody visits it, that’s why each and every one of the websites we create are SEO friendly. Index Web Marketing also stands out because of its ability to clarify the “Internets” jargon. Because the clients know their business better than anyone, a web firm cannot take all the credit for the success of a project. For Index Web Marketing, success will always result from the alliance of two expertises: ours and the client’s. Currently, we count more than 500 projects with more than 120 partners. Explore your business opportunities today!
12 people in their team
Speaks English, French, Portuguese
1 project in their portfolio
Works remotely across the globe
Sortlist member since 2017
Founded in 2011
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9 services offered by Index Web Marketing

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  • Description
    Nous délivrons une stratégie ainsi qu’un ensemble d’actions portées afin d’augmenter la visibilité dans les moteurs de recherche – c’est-à-dire se positionner sur la première page de Google (et les autres moteurs de recherche) pour des requêtes que font vos clients potentiels.

    Le référencement est une stratégie sur le moyen et long terme. Les résultats sont visibles en 30 à 90 jours. Sur le long terme, vous recevrez un flot de visiteurs gratuits qui vous amèneront une hausse de votre chiffre d’affaires.
    We deliver a strategy as well as a set of actions whose purpose is to increase visibility in search engine results – that is to say, positioned on the first page of Google (and other search engines) as a result of searches made by your potential customers.

    Search engine optimization (SEO) is a strategy in the medium and in the long term. Results usually take 30 to 90 days to show. In the long term, you will receive a flood of free visitors that will lead to an increase in sales.
    Skills in SEO (4)
    ResearchAnalysis and Optimization of ResultsInbound Links BuildingWebcrawlers Indexation
    Work in SEO (1)
    National Online Marketing Campaign - SEO
    Client in SEO (1)
    New Balance CanadaRetail | international

    Learn more about SEO

  • Description
    Un site Web professionnel vous permettra d’avoir une présence en ligne rehaussée.

    Ce sera un site auto-gérable par votre équipe. Le site que vous recevrez inclura:

    - La possibilité de créer un nombre illimité de pages basées sur le nombre de gabarits fournis
    - Boutons Facebook, Twitter et autre médias sociaux si applicables
    - Installation d’un outil de statistiques d’achalandage (Google Analytics)
    - Permissions à plusieurs niveaux aux membres de votre organisation
    - Compatibilité à travers les navigateurs (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer 9+)
    - Validation aux standards W3C
    - Module de référencement Web le plus avancé de l’industrie
    - Accepter les paiements par formulaire

    BONUS (Exclusif chez Index Web Marketing)
    - Guide d’utilisation de votre site Web
    - Le meilleur créateur de formulaires au monde (ex : de contact, d'événements, paiements)
    - Une plateforme évolutive permettant d'ajouter des modules au fur et à mesure que vous grandissez


    A professional website assures you a professional presence online.

    The site we will create for you will be manageable internally by your own team and will include:

    - The ability to create an unlimited number of pages, based on the number of templates provided
    - Facebook, Twitter and other social media buttons if applicable
    - Installation of a tool for traffic statistics (Google Analytics)
    - Different levels of access for different members of your organisation
    - Cross-browser compatibility (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer 9+)
    - Validation according to W3C standards (World Wide Web Consortium)
    - The most advanced SEO module in the industry
    - Ability to accept payments via an online form

    BONUS Features (Exclusive to Index Web Marketing)

    User's guide to your website
    Best form builder in the world (eg: Contact Us, Special Events, Payments)
    Scalable platform for adding modules as you grow
    Skills in Website Creation (7)
    IntranetGoogle AnalyticsSite VitrineShowcase WebsiteProfessional WebsitesE-commerce WebsiteCustom Platforms

    Learn more about Website Creation

  • Description
    Index Web Marketing agency provides you with the expertise to reach the world of online advertisement by investing where your competitors don’t. You will see an increase in your return on investment and you will stand out from your competitors.

    IWM prioritizes the use of Google Adwords and Facebook Ads systems for the establishment and management of its ad campaigns.

    If your company already has a solid base in online advertising, you might consider remarketing to strengthen your web strategy.

    Other marketing techniques are also possible and will be taken into account during the preliminary needs analysis, which is done for every client, such as affiliates with commission programs, web media placement (Banners, Ads on networks), online contest promotion, Yahoo! Ad and MSN Ad Center (AdWords alternatives).


    Index Web Marketing agency provides you with the expertise to reach the world of online advertisement by investing where your competitors don’t. You will see an increase in your return on investment and you will stand out from your competitors.

    IWM prioritizes the use of Google Adwords and Facebook Ads systems for the establishment and management of its ad campaigns.

    If your company already has a solid base in online advertising, you might consider remarketing to strengthen your web strategy.

    Other marketing techniques are also possible and will be taken into account during the preliminary needs analysis, which is done for every client, such as:

    Affiliates with commission programs like web media placement (Banners, Ads on networks), online contest promotion, Yahoo! Ad and MSN Ad Center (AdWords alternatives).
    Skills in Online Advertising (12)
    Advertising CampaignGoogle AdsCoût par clicGoogle AdwordsWeb StrategyGoogle AdWordsFacebook AdsRetargetingYouTube AdsCreation of Web Campaigns+2

    Learn more about Online Advertising

  • Description

    No description provided for this service.

    Skills in Digital Strategy (6)
    RetargetingRecherche MarketingStratégie WebStratégie MarketingAcquisition de LeadsInbound Lead Generation
    Work in Digital Strategy (1)
    National Online Marketing Campaign - Digital Strategy
    Client in Digital Strategy (1)
    New Balance CanadaRetail | international

    Learn more about Digital Strategy

  • Description

    No description provided for this service.

    Skills in Web analytics/Big data (1)
    Stratégie web
    Work in Web analytics/Big data (1)
    National Online Marketing Campaign - Web analytics/Big data
    Client in Web analytics/Big data (1)
    New Balance CanadaRetail | international

    Learn more about Web analytics/Big data

  • Description

    No description provided for this service.

    Work in Advertising (1)
    National Online Marketing Campaign - Advertising
    Client in Advertising (1)
    New Balance CanadaRetail | international

    Learn more about Advertising

  • Description

    No description provided for this service.

    Skills in Social Media (2)
    Facebook AdvertisingFacebook Advertising

    Learn more about Social Media

  • Description

    No description provided for this service.

    Learn more about E-commerce

  • Description

    No description provided for this service.

    Learn more about Marketing

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12 members in Index Web Marketing's team

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Index Web Marketing was awarded 0 times


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Contact details of Index Web Marketing


  • Headquarter2065 Rue Parthenais, Montréal, QC H2K 3S9, Canada