The 10 Best Advertising Agencies in Quebec (2024)

Best Advertising Agencies in Quebec

654 providers

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    UAATEAM LLCcertified-flagverified-flagfeatured-flag

    (32 reviews)

    🏆 Best rates for Sortlist users 🏆

    We offer digital marketing services to firms who wish to maximize their internet marketing efforts. Based on your project and objectives, we can provide complicated or simple consulting services. ⭐️ SEM (PPC) management - your advertisements will be displayed above the organic search results in most major web search engines based on the keywords you specify. ⭐️ SEO management - we will optimize your website or application to rank higher in search engine results. ⭐️ Email marketing - we'll enhance your brand's revenue and user engagement. Promotional emails, welcome series, and cart abandonment ⭐️ Social Media Marketing (SMM) - we'll advertise your company on social networks and enhance audience interaction. We will collaborate with influencers to increase brand awareness and sales. ⭐️ CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization) - we will analyze your data and raise the conversion rate of your website or advertising campaigns without increasing your budget. Our company is a Google Premier Partner and Meta Marketing Partner. We are also partners with such services as Shopify, Klavuyo, Mailchimp, and TikTok, indicating that our qualifications are of the greatest level. We are experts in the following: Pay per click: Google Ads, BingAds, Facebook/Instagram ads, TikTok advertising, Pinterest advertising, Twitter advertising, Google Merchant Center, Programmatic, Quora ads, Yelp, Amazon ads. SEO : on-page SEO, off-page SEO, local SEO, technical SEO, Linkbuilding, PBN building. Social Media : influencers marketing, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Linkedin, Pinterest, Social media strategy, social media content, UGC. Email marketing : automated flows, promo campaigns, Klaviyo, Mailchimp, Sendgrid, Sendpulse, Omnisend. Conversion Rate Optimization: Google Optimize, Google Analytics, heatmaps, UI/UX optimization, A/B testing. Contact us immediately to discuss your online advertising idea.
    10 works in Advertising
    Active in Quebec, Canada
    From €650 for Advertising
  • Hula Hoop

    Hula Hoopcertified-flagverified-flagfeatured-flag

    (2 reviews)

    Agence des nouvelles cultures !

    AGENCE INTERNATIONALE DE STRATÉGIE DE MARQUE Hula Hoop est une agence internationale de stratégie de marque multi-primée. Un véritable laboratoire stratégique et créatif référent où se croisent tous les métiers de conseil, marketing, design, publicité, digital, influence et social media. 70+ talents organisés ensemble pour répondre aux enjeux de transformation de l’époque, ouverts à toutes les entreprises et collectivités en recherche d’idées et d’innovation. AGENCE DES NOUVELLES CULTURES Hula Hoop est une agence connectée à son environnement, actrice de la culture, des cultures. Nos équipes partout dans nos agences créent et déploient avec plaisir des marques qui résonnent avec leur époque. Des marques qui portent de l’attention à leurs interlocuteurs, qui ne se moquent pas des gens, qui s’engagent avec une vision haute de la création et de la responsabilité qu’implique la prise de parole publique. Ce sont par ailleurs les conditions naturelles de la performance dans nos métiers. NOS SECTEURS PRIVILÉGIÉS : > Retail > Food & Drinks > Lifestyle > Tourisme RÉSEAU D'AGENCES : > Lyon > Paris > Nantes > Montréal > Genève > Bruxelles NOS CLIENTS : Bricomarché, Loxam, Promocash, Vorwerk, Euromaster, Tommee Tippee, TomTom, Felco, Bacardi, Cointreau, Palladium, Athena, Made in Design, Mobalpa, Socoo'c, Sanijura, Animalis, Canson, Orchestra, Tamboor, Tefal, Elior, Costa, Champion Petfoods, Bandai Namco, Square Enix, GL events, Occitanie, Paris tourisme, Finistère 360, Val d'Isère, Tignes, 3 Vallées, Figaro Emploi, Ministère de l'intérieur, Métropole de Lyon, Ratpdev, TPG de Genève, Transdev, Cooltra, Zity, Worldskills, Première Vision ... NOS EXPERTISES > Stratégie de marque > Design > Publicité > Digital > Social Média > Influence > Performance CHIFFRES CLÉS : 70+ talents 8,5 M€ de CA 300+ marques accompagnées 5x Champions de la croissance (Les Echos) 15+ Prix ces deux dernières années.
    3 works in Advertising
    Active in Quebec, Canada
    From €1000 for Advertising

Best Advertising Agencies in Quebec

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  • Casa Media

    Casa Mediaverified-flagfeatured-flag

    (2 reviews)

    Évolution de marques sans limites

    Casa Media n'est pas seulement une agence de marketing numérique basée à Montréal. On forme une équipe de gens passionnés et créatifs qui valorisent le travail d'équipe, l'innovation et les résultats. En nous spécialisant dans le référencement, le branding, le design web, les médias sociaux et la publicité, on s'engage à transformer les idées en éléments visuels et pragmatiques qui racontent l'histoire unique de votre marque. Notre objectif ultime est bien simple : on est là pour aider nos clients à prospérer dans le monde du numérique, en repoussant les limites du possible et en faisant évoluer leur marque sans limites. Qu'est-ce qui nous distingue ? Casa Media a été fondée sur le principe de la transformation digitale sans limites, en insufflant innovation et créativité dans nos créations. Nous comprenons mieux que quiconque l'importance de créer des solutions et des stratégies personnalisées pour accompagner nos clients vers le succès, surtout dans un contexte numérique en constante évolution. En tant que jeune agence en plein essor, on collabore main dans la main avec des clients issus de multiples secteurs pour définir l'essence, l'identité et la voix de leur marque afin de les aider à atteindre leurs objectifs d’affaires. Comme une extension de votre entreprise, nous avons tout ce qu'il faut à l'interne pour vous offrir le meilleur niveau de service possible. Chez Casa, nous avons une forte affinité avec ces secteurs : ➕ Alimentation & restauration 🟠 Immobilier ➕ E-Commerce 🟠 Sports ➕ Mode et beauté 🟠 Compagnies de génération de leads & entreprises B2B Si vous recherchez une équipe de créatifs talentueux qui se consacre à votre réussite, ne cherchez pas plus loin. Qu'il s'agisse d'optimiser vos campagnes publicitaires ou de créer des univers immersifs et interactifs qui vous ressemblent, on veille à rentabiliser votre investissement, et notre réputation nous précède.
    5 works in Advertising
    Active in Quebec, Canada
    From €1000 for Advertising
  • Skille


    (6 reviews)

    Facebook ads, TikTok ads & UGC for ambitious brands.

    Skille is a full-funnel growth marketing agency. Capabilities include: - paid acquisition - content creation - customer retention Services include: - TikTok ads - Facebook ads - Google ads - Content production - Email & SMS We are a "direct-to-client" agency, and limiting the number of clients we work with enables us to deliver world-class results for our clients consistently. Send me a message or visit our website at to schedule a call to find out if we would be a good fit to work together.
    No work in Advertising
    Active in Quebec, Canada
    From €1000 for Advertising
  • UXStrive Growth Agency

    UXStrive Growth Agencyverified-flag

    (1 review)

    "Get the most of your Marketing dollars. Marketing Project Management, Automation and AI".

    Why do we exist? Because the marketing world is crying out for a revolution – and we're leading it. We're not just Growth Marketers, Lead Gen Specialists, and Project Managers. We're the trailblazers who noticed the gaping hole left by other marketing firms – creativity without punctuality, innovation without budget mindfulness, and a glaring disregard for the bottom line. We're done with the status quo of marketing mediocrity – projects that drag on forever, communication that's as clear as mud, and strategies that treat sales as an afterthought. We're here to shake things up. Our mission? To catapult your business to new heights. We're obsessed with project management precision, ensuring your social content, leads, and websites aren't just exceptional – they're delivered on time and within budget. Choose us, and watch your business not just grow, but thrive. Let's not just reach your goals; let's obliterate them. Let us be the catalyst for your success. Let us help you not just survive the marketing maze – but conquer it. Let's strive together.
    No work in Advertising
    Active in Quebec, Canada
    From €1000 for Advertising
  • Mille Verba

    Mille Verbacertified-flag

    (0 review)
    119 works in Advertising
    Active in Quebec, Canada
    From €1000 for Advertising
  • Nolin BBDO

    Nolin BBDOcertified-flag

    (0 review)
    Welcome to BBDO Canada, an award-winning global marketing & advertising agency based in Toronto. Explore our work, blog, culture and more.
    108 works in Advertising
    Active in Quebec, Canada
    From €1000 for Advertising
  • CC & Co

    CC & Cocertified-flagverified-flag

    (0 review)
    4 works in Advertising
    Active in Quebec, Canada
    From €1000 for Advertising
  • Black Box Productions Ltd

    Black Box Productions Ltdverified-flag

    (1 review)

    Creative Production Services

    Black Box Productions is a full service film and video production company specializing in creating compelling commercials, branded content, films, and music videos.  
    1 work in Advertising
    Active in Quebec, Canada
    From €1000 for Advertising
  • Dho ! Communications M arketing es t un collectif d'expert en marketing qui se spécialise en positionnement de la marque, en image de marque et branding .   Au fil des ans, à travers de bonnes stratégies et un positionnement clair, nous avons prouvé notre efficacité à augmenter les ventes, les transactions ou la facture moyenne.   Nous proposons une approche collaborative et humaine avec tous nos clients et nous nous assurons que le déploiement se fasse en douceur. Que cela soit au niveau du graphisme, d u web o u que se soit pour implanter ou solidifier un département marketing nous avons l'expertise nécessaire pour vous accompagner.  
    1 work in Advertising
    Active in Quebec, Canada
    From €1000 for Advertising
  • Upperkut


    (0 review)
    L’agence, qui n’en est pas une, offre des services créatifs et professionnels de conception, de production ainsi que de consultation en publicité, en design, en marketing Internet et en réseaux sociaux.
    1 work in Advertising
    Active in Quebec, Canada
    From €1000 for Advertising
  • Ensuite Media

    Ensuite Mediaverified-flag

    (1 review)
    Ensuite Media is a comprehensive, full-service Social Media agency that assists companies of all sizes with the creation, design, and deployment of social media marketing strategies.   We replace the internal resource that would have been mandated to manage a company’s social media presence, but we do it better, faster and smarter. Our content department can service all of North America as we offer content in English - French and Spanish.   Find out what amazing social media management can do for your company, contact us today for a free consultation:
    No work in Advertising
    Active in Quebec, Canada
    From €1000 for Advertising
  • Index Web Marketing est une agence composée d'experts en communication web, basée a Montréal. Notre objectif premier est d'assurer une meilleure visibilité de votre entreprise sur internet. Notre force réside dans notre importante culture Web et notre compréhension de toutes les facettes d'un projet Web. Lors de la conception de site Internet, nous nous assurons que le site ne soit pas seulement beau, ergonomique et fonctionnel. Nous voulons aussi qu'il soit visible! En effet, pourquoi créer un site Web s'il n'est pas visité? Pour garantir cela, chacun de nos sites est pensé en fonction de paramètres de référencement dans les moteurs de recherche.  Index Web Marketing se distingue aussi par sa facilité à vulgariser le jargon des « Internets ». Parce que chaque client est maître en son domaine, le succès d’un projet ne peut être attribuable qu’aux seules compétences d’une firme Web. Pour Index Web Marketing, un bon produit sera toujours le fruit du mariage de deux expertises : la nôtre et celle du client. Nous comptabilisons aujourd’hui plus de 500 mandats avec plus de 120 partenaires. Explorez votre potentiel d'affaires aujourd'hui!  -- Index Web Marketing is an agency of experts in digital marketing, based in Montreal, which ensures better internet visibility for your company's brand. Index Web Marketing stands out thanks to its strong web culture and its ability to understand all aspects of a web project. When creating a website, we are not just satisfied with a beautiful, ergonomic and functional website. We also want to make your website visible. We believe it is pointless to create a website if nobody visits it, that’s why each and every one of the websites we create are SEO friendly. Index Web Marketing also stands out because of its ability to clarify the “Internets” jargon. Because the clients know their business better than anyone, a web firm cannot take all the credit for the success of a project. For Index Web Marketing, success will always result from the alliance of two expertises: ours and the client’s. Currently, we count more than 500 projects with more than 120 partners. Explore your business opportunities today!
    1 work in Advertising
    Active in Quebec, Canada
    From €1000 for Advertising
  • Webistry


    (1 review)
    Webistry drives revenue with data-driven paid media, experimentation, and CRO.
    No work in Advertising
    Active in Quebec, Canada
    From €1000 for Advertising
  • Depuis 2010, Référencement PME est passé du rôle de consultant en référencement à celui d’agence SEO tournée vers une clientèle de plus en plus internationale. Couvrant en véritable expert les problématiques complémentaires du Référencement avec - deux programmateurs - spécialistes du HTML sémantique et des micros données, - deux rédacteurs, - et un réseau de netlinking de qualité, L’agence qui désire rester de taille modeste et proche des ses clients réalise - des audits de site Web, - des refontes technique en cas de nécessité, - rédige des textes optimisés pour les moteurs de recherche et - crée des liens pertinents apportant au bout du compte, des positionnements générateurs de visites et de ventes. Considérant le fait que l’optimisation Web est un travail qui ne devrait jamais cesser dans le temps, Référencement PME donne des formations  qui donnent la chance de pérenniser le travail effectué par nos experts. Plus de 150 entreprises se félicitent d’être aujourd’hui en position forte sur Internet, nombre d’entre-elles témoignent sur le site de l’entreprise ou sur la fiche Google business de l’agence
    No work in Advertising
    Active in Quebec, Canada
    From €1000 for Advertising
  • FenceCore Digital is a one-stop shop digital advertising agency that customizes campaigns to best fit our clients goals. Our core strengths are SEO, SEM, Web Development, Video Production & Mobile Advertising. Our business is focused on providing quality work, top-notch customer service and 100% transparency. We have nothing to hide, that is why we provide all our clients with logins to see their campaign progress, it is the FenceCore Digital way! We offer a free consultation for your digital strategy needs, we do this because we believe in our expertise and commitment to our clients. We don't mind taking time to demonstrate that we care about your brand because without you, there is no us. If you have any questions for us, feel free to reach out at:, no robots, only humans on the other end! So whether you are looking for strategy, implementation or creative expertise, let us be the ones to take your brand to the next level, we look forward to being in touch.   - The FenceCore Digital Team
    1 work in Advertising
    Active in Quebec, Canada
    From €1000 for Advertising
  • Laters Media

    Laters Mediacertified-flagverified-flag

    (1 review)

    Think and Create Solutions

    We are passionate about creating relations. With our clients and with your clients. We believe in helping companies make the impact they want to make. No matter if you want better social media marketing, a better website or a new design for your brand. All these services offer an experience to your customers. This experience might be the first one a new customer gets with your brand. We aim to make that experience the best it can be.
    No work in Advertising
    Active in Quebec, Canada
    From €1000 for Advertising
  • Orchimedia


    (0 review)

    Marketing asiatique simplifié

    En tant que la première firme-conseil montréalaise spécialisée en communication-marketing asiatique, Orchimédia offre des services professionnels à des marques occidentales, PME, promoteurs immobiliers et startups technologiques : Recherche, étude et plan marketing / Stratégie d'entrée sur le marché Branding / Design / Stratégie et positionnement de marque Site web multilingue / Réseaux sociaux / Génération de leads Publicité en ligne et hors ligne Adaptation culturelle / Traduction / Interprétariat Relations publiques / Gestion événementielle Formation en entreprise "Faire affaires en Chine et en Asie" Consultation interculturelle / Conseil stratégique
    1 work in Advertising
    Active in Quebec, Canada
    From €1000 for Advertising
  • lg2


    (0 review)
    53 works in Advertising
    Active in Quebec, Canada
    From €1000 for Advertising
  • G l'agence est né d’une idée toute simple : réunir quelques passionnés qui excellent dans leur discipline respective, pour créer un tout nouveau style d’agence où la créativité est un véritable moteur de développement. Mais pour être totalement honnêtes, nous voulions surtout faire ce qu'on aime dans un esprit d'équipe, d'entraide et de plaisir. Notre but est simple, nous voulons créer des marques captivantes, qui touchent autant le coeur que la raison. Pour y arriver, nous croyons beaucoup en l'intégration des différentes facettes de la communication pour façonner des expériences toutes aussi pertinentes, qu'uniques et enrichissantes.
    No work in Advertising
    Active in Quebec, Canada
    From €1000 for Advertising
  • 32 MARS

    32 MARScertified-flagverified-flag

    (0 review)
    32 MARS is creative Quebec based agency specialized in branding, advertising, and Web design. Our ultimate goal is to create and develop the personality of your brand while allowing for its continuous evolution. Design the unexpected. Create the unforgettable. This vision has allowed 32 MARS to carve out an enviable place in Québec’s advertising market. Interactive design, publicity, strategy, and marketing: our agency’s multidisciplinary team utilizes its expertise to create unique branding experiences. Numerous big-name companies, including Industrial Alliance, Gestev and the Department of National Defence, have benefited from 32 MARS’ talent, boldness, and creativity. 32 MARS is a next-generation advertising agency that provides integrated communication and design services. We seek to design and develop our clients’ brands in a way that will bring out their personality and capture the imagination.
    No work in Advertising
    Active in Quebec, Canada
    From €1000 for Advertising
  • Seo


    (0 review)
    Seo-SocialMedia,net is a full-scale online web marketing company. Focused primarily on content and social media management, we also offering, branding and reputation marketing, email, mobile application development, mobile marketing and web design. Located in the Montreal area, we offer services to a global marketplace and have a number of partnerships with North American based companies. Having been in business for five years, our knowledge of the industry is unsurpassed in this area. Where Montreal comes to market themselves on the web.
    No work in Advertising
    Active in Quebec, Canada
    From €1000 for Advertising
  • We are Rank. A marketing driven, tech & creative agency. We develop real-world internet marketing solutions that build brands, improve efficiency, and drive sales to the sky. You can’t succeed in today’s world without the ability to shape-shift—to adapt to constant change. Our strength and capability lie in our versatility. We design like artists, program like nerds, and think like business people. Internet Marketing and Online Advertising: All the Colours of the Rainbow At Rank, we specialize in Internet marketing and online advertising, the likes of which you’d like to believe can work for you but were never quite sure could. Let us dissolve your doubt. We utilize every kind of strategy and forum out there to help you achieve what you want to achieve. Simple as that. We are adept at reaching Internet users all over the world. The thing about online PR is that it is powerful and effective because of its organic nature. It turns traditional advertising on its head and relies instead on trusted networks and contacts for its power. The collateral we produce and the hype that follows it will secure your prime online real estate and inspire long-term fidelity among your clients. Deepen your Digital Marketing Strategies If you’re after a deeper digital strategy that engages or incorporates social media marketing tactics, paid media plans, email marketing best practices, SEO revolutions or turn-arounds, and a general online PR boost, we can help you develop coherent, cohesive marketing campaigns that reach your target audiences and motivate real action. We assess your needs, outline opportunities, and prescribe specific actions for long-term, emotionally intelligent engagement that leads to social media success even in our age of extreme saturation. We boost your SEO results with strategies that outlast the latest trends, utilizing every tool to define your competitive edge—just ask one of our numerous clients who started out with next to nothing in the way of an online presence. We show you how to build sharp, professional emails that look great on any device. We analyze all opportunities for paid media advertising in your vertical to concoct that ideal blend of search, display, social, and contextual advertising campaigns, because PPC campaigns are necessary to see true improvements in traffic and profits. We take measures to align you with top influencers who have the capacity to reach millions and get them talking about you. With over 250k publishers in our network alone, we will significantly raise the profile of your brand. Custom Marketing Solutions If you want to simplify and strengthen your software solutions, we can introduce you to a roster of truly effective custom development options that will increase your company’s efficiency, streamline operational costs, and integrate the separate pieces of your software strategy. Contrary to what you may have heard, the process does not have to be painful. Let us help you turn your e-commerce enterprise into a well-oiled machine, develop custom software that will satisfy your unique needs, design and program mobile apps that provide fluid, scalable solutions you’ve only observed from afar and develop next-level websites that boil your messaging down to a potent science so you can reach those who need you to reach them, without all the fuss. Branding is a Creative Process If you need to beef up brand awareness and engagement with your brand, our pros can guide you in the creative process to facilitate better brand experiences that generate leads and really engage the present and emergent generation of consumers. Let us help you develop brand concepts that your base will adore, develop captivating video marketing strategies, and even effective print material design, since compelling outreach knows no bounds! Communication is Currency Our results-oriented team doesn’t fool around. We’re adept at helping you accomplish your goals, but you won’t have to take our word for it, because you’ll be able to measure your success in concrete terms. Whether it’s multiplying your number of website visitors, redoing your e-commerce website, launching a Google shopping campaign, or increasing online retail traffic and sales, we’re here to make it happen. Think of us as your partners in strategic marketing. It’s in this spirit of partnership that we would like to help you lay the foundation for a strong online presence. We understand that the only real currency these days is effective communication, and to that end, we look forward to building strategic internet strategies & a strong relationship with you and your company based on trust and, you got it, communication.
    No work in Advertising
    Active in Quebec, Canada
    From €1000 for Advertising
  • Oranje


    (0 review)
    Oranje Film se spécialise dans les tournages avec caméras d'évènements corporatifs, de vidéos promotionnelles et d'animations motion graphique au Québec.
    No work in Advertising
    Active in Quebec, Canada
    From €1000 for Advertising
  • Skyline Montréal : kiosques, stands en location, pop up, stands à bannière, truss, graphiques et design. Innovation et qualité supérieure.
    No work in Advertising
    Active in Quebec, Canada
    From €1000 for Advertising
  • iGotcha Media

    iGotcha Mediacertified-flagverified-flag

    (0 review)
    Media company specializing in interactive digital signage solutions and advertising.
    No work in Advertising
    Active in Quebec, Canada
    From €1000 for Advertising
  • Agence de publicité spécialisée en stratégie de communication, image publicitaire, image de marque et stratégie marketing digitale performante.  Partenaires de confiance, nous accompagnons les entreprises de tous les secteurs de l’économie québécoise dans le déploiement de leurs stratégies marketing, assurons la production graphique et les conseillons pour obtenir les meilleurs résultats.  Nos bureaux sont situés dans deux régions économiques centrales, soit les régions de Québec – Capitale nationale et Drummondville – Centre-du-Québec.
    No work in Advertising
    Active in Quebec, Canada
    From €1000 for Advertising
  • All digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertiisng news sources - in one place
    No work in Advertising
    Active in Quebec, Canada
    From €1000 for Advertising
    No work in Advertising
    Active in Quebec, Canada
    From €1000 for Advertising
  • CloudRaker


    (0 review)
    CloudRaker est une firme de transformation numérique. Nous utilisons les outils d’aujourd’hui pour créer des liens entre les entreprises et les consommateurs.
    No work in Advertising
    Active in Quebec, Canada
    From €1000 for Advertising
  • We go beyond. Moon Media specializes in deploying mesmerizing, exciting experiences in strategic retail locations and major events. We enhance the receptiveness of your audience by using proprietary cutting-edge holographic and interactive 3d display systems; creating brand-defining stories, product demonstrations, critical impressions and entertainment that thoroughly engages consumers and maximizes ROI for your expanded digital marketing campaigns. We believe advertising works best when it combines existing wide-reaching networks with a creative medium that is unparalleled. Moon Media provides effective, affordable and unique advertising for customers at points of sale or via digital devices, delivering and reinforcing your brand’s message. Offering branding, strategic advertising via a DOOH network, lead generating campaigns on social networks and search engines, mobile development and the execution of latest design trends, our firm has attained a varied clientele from successful local startups to major multinationals.
    No work in Advertising
    Active in Quebec, Canada
    From €1000 for Advertising
  • Toc Toc Communications accompagne les petites, moyennes et grandes entreprises dans leurs besoins marketing. Intégrant marketing, design et environnement digital, Toc Toc propose des solutions d’affaires créatives et pleines d’impact. La touche Toc Toc : une approche personnalisée, une attitude positive et une vaste expérience.
    No work in Advertising
    Active in Quebec, Canada
    From €1000 for Advertising
  • Digital signage hardware and software for digital signage networks.
    No work in Advertising
    Active in Quebec, Canada
    From €1000 for Advertising
  • Agence spécialisée en création de sites web, SEO et Publicité sur Google. Offres à partir de 250$. Chaque expert est certifié Google. Contactez-nous!
    No work in Advertising
    Active in Quebec, Canada
    From €1000 for Advertising
  • Agence Daiji

    Agence Daijicertified-flagverified-flag

    (0 review)
    Daiji is a marketing and advertising agency using gamification to improve brand awareness and user engagement.
    No work in Advertising
    Active in Quebec, Canada
    From €1000 for Advertising
  • Cortex


    (0 review)
    Founded in 2008, Cortex now hires 70 people in its Quebec City and Montreal studios while working on opening its new satellite office based in NYC on Broadway. Based on a robust portfolio that includes many highly-acclaimed apps such as the Le Devoir newspaper, the public transport app RTC or the ticketing system for the 3 main ski-resorts in Quebec City, Cortex is moving to the next level by working with ambitious minds all around the world that wants to change things for the greater good through high-quality technology.  Our team is passionate about bleeding edge technologies, and we're obsessed with innovation. Our specialty is solving everyday problems by connecting the digital world with humans. Specialized in multi-platform development, our multidisciplinary team sees the boiling technology world as a playground of infinite possibilities. At Cortex, we think user experience first. Our goal is to create simple digital products that are engaging, ergonomic and functional and that will provide your users with a unique experience. Our goal is to create a unique experience which will transform your users into enthusiast and loyal customers; into brand ambassadors. Proud of our past achievements, we work relentlessly, putting the user at the heart of our methodology, which allows us to identify and understand as soon as possible who they are and what their needs and expectations are, thus ensuring the success of our future achievements.  Your achievements.
    No work in Advertising
    Active in Quebec, Canada
    From €1000 for Advertising
  • C’est par la volonté de faire évoluer notre société tout en affirmant des valeurs distinctes qu’est née, en 2010, Plus Humain – Agence Publicitaire. Notre philosophie d’entreprise: modeler vos stratégies marketing en portant une attention particulière aux messages et aux convictions à véhiculer. Choisir Plus Humain, c’est mettre les relations humaines au centre des affaires et choisir un parcours digne de votre image.
    No work in Advertising
    Active in Quebec, Canada
    From €1000 for Advertising
  • LeadX Marketing

    LeadX Marketingcertified-flagverified-flag

    (0 review)
    LeadX is a Web Agency for SMBs in Montreal. Our certified team of expert specialize in helping small businesses increase their revenues with the web. Whether its Organic Search (SEO), Online Adversiting or Web Development, we build effective digital marketing strategies that will improve your online performance. Our team has over 25 years of combined experience in the following fields: - Marketing & Customer Acquisition (SEO, Google AdWords, Facebook Ads, E-Commerce, etc.) - Web Development - Web Design & User Experience (UX) - Content Creation (web copywriting, social media management) Our Digital Marketing Agency for SMBs offers the following services: Natural Search (SEO), Local SEO, Google Adwords (PCC), Facebook Advertising, Web Development & Web Design, Email Marketing, Content Marketing, Social Media Management and Digital Marketing Consulting. Need help but not sure where to start? Call us for a Free Web Consultation and we'll gladly help you get to the right direction!
    No work in Advertising
    Active in Quebec, Canada
    From €1000 for Advertising
  • POURQUOI FATFISH? Parce que vos critères de sélection sont plus élaborés que « le plus bas soumissionnaire ». Parce que vous ne voulez pas d’un site calqué sur celui de votre compétiteur. Parce que votre projet ne s’applique à aucun forfait préconstruit. Parce que vous voulez être impliqué dans le projet, mais pas le faire vous-même. Parce que vous voulez pouvoir parler directement à l’équipe de production. Parce qu’on ne choisit pas une agence comme on choisit un plombier.     ANALYSE Nous croyons que chaque projet est unique et c'est pourquoi nous prenons le temps d'écouter vos idées et vos besoins afin de vous guider vers l'approche qui sera la plus profitable en fonction de vos objectifs. CRÉATIVITÉ Nous cherchons toujours à repousser les limites, autant visuellement qu’en ce qui concerne les fonctionnalités, pour s'assurer de toujours plaire aux visiteurs de plus en plus exigeants du web de demain. ÉVOLUTION Nous restons à l'affût des dernières innovations dans le domaine afin que chacun de nos projets puisse constamment bénéficier des meilleurs outils sur le marché pour atteindre ses objectifs.
    No work in Advertising
    Active in Quebec, Canada
    From €1000 for Advertising
  • Agence Web située dans la région de Gatineau/Ottawa en Outaouais, Tonik Web Studio offre une gamme de services au niveau du marketing numérique et du développement web !  Que ce soit pour la création d’un site Web performant, de la programmation web, du référencement naturel (SEO) dans les résultats de recherche Google, de la conception de design graphique , de la vente de vos produits en ligne (E-commerce), la mise en place de campagnes Google Adwords(SEM) ou même le maintien de vos communautés sur les réseaux sociaux nous pourrons bien vous guider dans ce processus qui peut être simple et agréable!  Notre équipe d’experts en stratégie Web, design, programmation et gestion de communautés, mettra tout en oeuvre pour assurer l’atteinte des objectifs de la stratégie Web préalablement fixés.
    No work in Advertising
    Active in Quebec, Canada
    From €1000 for Advertising
  • Voyou - Performance créative

    Voyou - Performance créativeverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Nous sommes vos experts concernant la gestion des médias traditionnels et numériques!

    Depuis plus de 35 ans, notre agence de publicité Voyou - Performance créative, carbure aux défis de constamment rehausser ou renouveler l'image de marque de nos clients! Nous sommes vos experts concernant la gestion des médias traditionnels et numériques de votre entreprise! Vous pouvez nous fixer vos propres attentes ou nous pouvons vous conseiller sur le plan publicitaire qui répondra au besoin de votre entreprise. L'ADN de nos équipes de créatifs, programmeurs, stratèges numériques, édimestres, gestion des réseaux sociaux, gestion de l'image de marque et plus nous amène à constamment nous dépasser. Chez Voyou – Performance créative, on connaît l’importance de votre image et des messages que vous souhaitez véhiculer à votre clientèle potentielle. Notre approche systémique nous permet d'être efficace dans la création des visuels et des stratégies publicitaires des campagnes qui seront développées pour votre entreprise. Nous pouvons répondre à toutes vos questions en matière de publicité. Création de site Web, panneaux publicitaires aux abords de l'autoroute, objectifs de conversions, référencement organique, gestion Google AdWords, bannières Web, remarketing, publicité en lieu de vente et bien plus, tout les sujets peuvent être abordés. Nous sommes tout cela – et encore plus – ce qui fait de Voyou un véritable leader en performance créative dans la Province du Québec. Venez donc prendre un café pour que l'on puisse se connaître ... Au plaisir ! L'équipe Voyou - Performance créative
    No work in Advertising
    Active in Quebec, Canada
    From €1000 for Advertising
    No work in Advertising
    Active in Quebec, Canada
    From €1000 for Advertising
  • Courimo


    (0 review)
    We are a Montreal based digital marketing agency that offers several services to help small medium and large businesses attain their business goals. We have a strong passion for what we do, and it always shows in the quality of our work but most importantly in the results we bring. Our portfolio includes some of the biggest names in the industry as well as start-ups launching their brands. Regardless of the size of your business or your budget, we treat every single one of our customers the exact same way and have a very strong customer-centric approach that brought us to where we stand today being recognized as one of the top leading marketing agencies in North America.  Our team is composed of certified experts driven by their passion for digital marketing but particularly their expertise in creating solutions that bring creative results. If you are looking for an honest agency that can help you strategize your online marketing to help you achieve your goals, give us a call today at 1-877-513-2393 to book a free consultation.
    No work in Advertising
    Active in Quebec, Canada
    From €1000 for Advertising
  • Chez Agence web 360º Montréal, on conçoit votre site web en optimisant votre Marketing de conception Web afin que votre site web soit plus performant et plus rentable pour votre entreprise.      Obtenez enfin un site web de qualité, fait par des professionnels, a bas prix avec @ Agence web 360 °
    No work in Advertising
    Active in Quebec, Canada
    From €1000 for Advertising
  • Standish


    (0 review)
    L'agence Standish offre des services clés en main de conception Web, de marketing et de design graphique qui permettent aux entreprises de se démarquer et d'atteindre de nouveaux sommets. À titre d’agence Web, marketing et de design graphique depuis 1988, nous conjuguons créativité et interactivité pour proposer des stratégies réfléchies et des solutions novatrices. Chez Standish, chaque client est une priorité; nous lui faisons vivre une expérience unique, en étant attentifs à ses besoins, en capturant son identité et en saisissant la nature de ses activités.   Pour nous, tout projet débute par une histoire; la vôtre. Celle qui relate votre identité, votre parcours et vos aspirations. Attentifs à vos attentes et soucieux de votre réussite, nous nous dévouons pour capturer et exprimer votre essence. Depuis 30 ans, nous participons à la concrétisation de vos rêves. Standish, c’est une équipe animée par la passion, la curiosité et le désir de se surpasser. Chaque projet représente une aventure où nous laissons libre cours à notre créativité, afin de refléter l’unicité de nos clients. En sortant des sentiers battus, nous créons des concepts novateurs et efficaces. Chez Standish, nous ne formons qu’une seule et même équipe, où les forces de chacun sont mises à contribution. Notre soif d’apprentissage et notre détermination nous poussent à nous améliorer constamment, afin d’offrir le meilleur de nous-mêmes. Notre expérience variée et complémentaire permet de générer des impacts positifs pour nos clients.   "Nous stimulons votre imaginaire en vous faisant découvrir un univers de possibilités. Nous vous guidons tout au long du trajet, pour vous aider à atteindre le sommet. Nous faisons rayonner votre histoire parce qu’elle mérite d’être racontée. Chez Standish, nous croyons que tout est possible." - L'équipe Standish
    No work in Advertising
    Active in Quebec, Canada
    From €1000 for Advertising
  • ARCHIPEL est une agence de publicité intégrée vous offrant la qualité d'une grande boîte, dans une structure souple et conviviale.
    No work in Advertising
    Active in Quebec, Canada
    From €10000 for Advertising
  • Nyévo Branding

    Nyévo Brandingcertified-flagverified-flag

    (0 review)
    Agence branding - Expert en positionnement de marque rentable et performant. Agence branding pour une Image de marque et une stratégie de marque unique | Agence Branding. Montréal Métropolitain
    No work in Advertising
    Active in Quebec, Canada
    From €1000 for Advertising
  • Sebastien Godin

    Sebastien Godincertified-flagverified-flag

    (0 review)
    We're a Montreal based digital marketing agency specializing in PPC, Social Medias, Email Marketing, SEO and Web Design for small to large businesses. From certified Adwords experts, to creative web designers and saavy digital marketers, we’re a versatile bunch who thrive on giving your business the results you need.
    No work in Advertising
    Active in Quebec, Canada
    From €1000 for Advertising
  • Pascal Beaudry

    Pascal Beaudryverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Performance Créative

    Voyou - Performance créative est une agence de publicité qui vous soutient dans tous les aspects de vos projets publicitaires, que ce soit pour la conception d’un site web, le positionnement de votre marque, le lancement d’une campagne publicitaire, du commerce en ligne, un design d’emballage, de la stratégie numérique, la gestion des réseaux sociaux ou l’organisation d’un évènement. Voyou sait combiner stratégie et création pour vous proposer des solutions pertinentes et efficaces qui vous permettront d’atteindre vos objectifs marketing tout en vous démarquant de la concurrence.
    No work in Advertising
    Active in Quebec, Canada
    From €1000 for Advertising
  • Agence IMPACT

    Agence IMPACTcertified-flagverified-flag

    (0 review)
    Agence web et communication située à Montréal Canada. Nous accompagnons nos clients dans la création et le référencement de leurs site internet, étude de projet, image de marque, conception de logo, design, marketing web, publicité Instagram, Facebook et Google Ads. Du web à l'infographie, l’agence IMPACT est capable de répondre à tous vos besoins et d'élaborer une véritable stratégie pour votre entreprise. 
    No work in Advertising
    Active in Quebec, Canada
    From €1000 for Advertising
  • L’agence de branding qui propulse votre identité visuelle à un niveau supérieur   Boumgrafik aide les PME à trouver plus de clients grâce à la création d’une image de marque ciblée et explosive. Nous sommes l’ agence en branding  et image de marque par excellence à Laval et dans le grand Montréal. Notre mission est d’aider les entreprises à rejoindre plus facilement leur marché cible et à augmenter leurs revenus par la création d’une image de marque durable, distinctive et mémorable. Que ce soit grâce à une identité visuelle unique, à des textes d’entreprise percutant ou à la conception d’outils de communication à fort impact, nous obtiendrons assurément une explosion créative !
    No work in Advertising
    Active in Quebec, Canada
    From €1000 for Advertising
  • Expandify Marketing Inc. is a leading Social Media and Internet Marketing Agency headquartered in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.  Expandify Marketing Inc. serves over half a dozen industries including hospitality, entertainment and technology.  Expandify Marketing Inc. provides an all in one digital marketing solution to verified international businesses. Leveraging social media advertising strategies, including graphic design, motion graphics, photography, videography, copywriting, web design, display advertising, and more has allowed Expandify Marketing Inc. to deliver tangible results to dozens of satisfied clients.  Our purpose, to bring brands and people closer together using imagination and media, is our corporate responsibility as a company.
    No work in Advertising
    Active in Quebec, Canada
    From €1000 for Advertising

Struggling to choose? Let us help.

Post a project for free and quickly meet qualified providers. Use our data and on-demand experts to pick the right one for free. Hire them and take your business to the next level.

What can you anticipate from an associate competent in advertising in the district of Québec!

an advertising agency, a real treasure for your project.

By virtue of the platform that was mounted by our team, your firm is able to not only identify what firms are pros in their line of work but you will also have the means to designate with whom it wishes to work with. The advertising agency will in a jiffy determine your solicitations and by the same token they also will supply your company access to tools that you wouldn't have had formerly.

How to pick an agency?

our team's goal is to formulate a list of the 5 best advertising agencies for your project. And they will thus, by virtue of their genius and competencies, build benefits for your operation in ad concept creation or billboard designing. So do not worry, the firms in Québec will have everything closely under control.

Realising an assignment in advertising is, as you have surely witnessed, not always child's play. Our companies in Québec can thus help. Find advertising agencies that match your demands hastily, thanks to Sortlist.

Which perks can an advertising agency offer?

The services offered by advertising agencies can be, for example, billboard designing or ad concept creation. But also if you're looking for a company that will be able to help you with a more laborious campaign we will be able to be of help. The argument for this is that we can contact a mountain of companies that do business with with businesses that operate in the accounting- or even the household products sector, which makes them highly flexible to any kind of tasks.

Thusly, if your firm desires to realize a operation in billboard designing, ad concept creation or even in package designing, then your company doesn’t have to waste precious time looking for a professional in Québec. Because at Sortlist we have the means to support you identify the most skilled agency and you will definitely realise that a campaign in advertising will have a true significance on your profit.

Sortlist helps you find the best agency in Quebec

Searching for a collaborator in the locality of Québec for your next communication task? Do not misuse valuable time and call us. Since advertising agencies will provide a colossal help for your billboard designing or your ad concept creation activities.

Frequently Asked Questions.

A Advertising Company costs ranging between 9200$ and 10800$, according to information collected from Sortlist involving 28 works. The precise cost might vary depending on the specific requirements for your project, its sophistication, and the level of expertise from that company.

Working with an advertising agency in Quebec offers numerous advantages, including a deep understanding of the region's diverse culture and bilingual market. Agencies in Quebec have a specialized knowledge of local regulations and trends, allowing them to craft targeted and effective campaigns. With its thriving economy and strong tech scene, Quebec provides access to top talent, latest technologies, and innovative strategies. Additionally, local agencies foster solid relationships within the community, helping your brand connect with both French-Canadian and global audiences, resulting in increased visibility and growth for your business.

Advertising agencies are specialized firms assisting businesses in creating, planning, and implementing effective advertising campaigns to promote their products or services. These agencies consist of experts in various fields such as copywriting, graphic design, media buying, and market research. They collaborate closely with clients to comprehend their marketing goals and target audiences, subsequently developing customized ad strategies within budget constraints. Utilizing the latest market trends, creative concepts, and innovative technologies, advertising agencies aim to capture potential customers' attention and persuade them to engage with the brand or make a purchase. In essence, advertising agencies act as partners to businesses, helping them achieve their marketing objectives while ensuring a consistent and impactful message across diverse advertising platforms. For businesses looking for a Print advertising agency in Quebec, Sortlist can help in finding the perfect match.