Magenta Design (+ reviews) | Sortlist
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Magenta Design

Ottawa, Canada
Techies that get marketing & sales
Magenta Design translates the passion of a brand into creative experiences for the world to see through their collective of Toronto's creative innovators. With over 10 years of building rich design experiences, Magenta Design envokes emotion through creative planning and art direction. We strive to develop the online and offline presence of our clients through our out-of-the-box conceptual thinking and design of outstanding corporate image pieces, user-friendly web and mobile experiences, logos, and print media. Magenta Design strives to provide the utmost positive client-vendor relationship and work together in a hands-on environment to translate the passion of a brand to the real world so they can grow and continue to do what they love. Our Mission Translate the passion of a client's brand to visually impactful digital designs that envoke emotion and lasting impressions. Our Vision Timeless digital designs without bounds.
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4 services offered by Magenta Design

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  • Description
    Web Application
    Skills in Web Application (3)
    CMS DevelopmentWooCommerce DevelopmentWordpress Development

    Learn more about Web Application

  • Description
    Website Creation
    Skills in Website Creation (3)
    Website RevampingLanding Page DesignWordpress Design
    Work in Website Creation (1)
    Web Design Varity Law - Website Creation
    Review in Website Creation (1)
    Kevin Foy
    Client in Website Creation (1)
    Varity LawLegal Services

    Learn more about Website Creation

  • Description
    Skills in E-commerce (2)
    Shopify DevelopmentWebshop Development

    Learn more about E-commerce

  • Description

    No description provided for this service.

    Learn more about Ergonomy (UX/UI)

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19 members in Magenta Design's team

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1 review for Magenta Design

(1 reviews)
Kevin FoyOwner at Foy Ink Design & Print Media
ServiceWebsite Creation
Verified review

She was very quick to respond to my requests, was always full of great ideas and suggestions, and the entire process was a breeze. She is very experienced in her field, and that was evident in our transactions. It was such a pleasure working with Alice and Magenta Design on this project, it made the entire process very easy. I appreciate the speedy service, the great pricing that they offered, and the excellent quality of my new website. Without question or hesitation, I would highly recommend the services of Alice Ma from Magenta Design. If you need a new website, or just thinking about one, you need to call Alice!!!

ServiceWebsite Creation
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Contact details of Magenta Design


  • Headquarter55 King St W 7th Floor, Kitchener, ON N2G 4W1

  • Kitchener, Canada

  • Kitchener, Canada