The 10 Best Public Relations (PR) Agencies in La Région-Sherbrookoise - 2025 Reviews

Top Public Relations (PR) Agencies in La Région-Sherbrookoise

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All Public Relations (PR) Companies in La Région-Sherbrookoise

  • (0 review)

    Une agence à échelle humaine qui met tout en œuvre pour faire rayonner ses clients!

    tök communications est une agence de communications 360° née il y a maintenant 7 ans d’une passion pour les communications et d’un désir d’offrir des services personnalisés à travers une philosophie humaine. Ainsi, tök communications s’efforce d’agir comme une extension de ses clients afin de les représenter fidèlement auprès de leur cible. Plus que de simples exécutants, les membres de l’équipe se positionnent comme de réels consultants en matière de communication. La mission de tök communications est simple : offrir des services sur mesure et adaptés à chacun. Notre équipe met en oeuvre son expérience dans le milieu des communications pour identifier les besoins de nos clients et ainsi créer une stratégie personnalisée et créative fondée sur leurs objectifs et leurs besoins. RIGUEUR Chez tök communications, nous croyons que tout ce qui se doit d’être fait, se doit d’être bien fait! C’est pourquoi nous portons attention et rigueur aux moindres petits détails. PROXIMITÉ Notre proximité avec nos clients nous tient à coeur et nous nous faisons un point d’honneur de personnaliser chacune de nos relations clients et de leur donner LA priorité. RÉSULTATS Nous sommes passionnés de nos mandats et nous croyons aux retombées positives de nos actions chez nos clients. DÉPASSEMENT Nous cherchons constamment à nous dépasser et saisissons toutes les opportunités d’offrir le petit plus à chacun de nos clients.
    Looking for work in Public Relations (PR)
    Located in Montreal, Canada
    From €5,000 for Public Relations (PR)
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks French, English
    11-50 members
  • Nadeau Bellavance, cabinet relations publiques et de communication Sherbrooke, Estrie. Organisation de conférences de presse rédaction communiqué de presse.
    Looking for work in Public Relations (PR)
    Located in Sherbrooke, Canada
    From €1,000 for Public Relations (PR)
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English, French
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)
    Cabinet de relations publiques. Spécialiste des communications et des médias. Sherbrooke, Montréal, Centre-du-Québec
    Looking for work in Public Relations (PR)
    Located in Sherbrooke, Canada
    From €1,000 for Public Relations (PR)
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English, French
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)

    A communications and public relations partner asking better questions to uncover insights, build trust & achieve success

    As a leading public relations & marketing firm based in Toronto, Canada, we Ask Better Questions™ to create marketing programs and PR campaigns that better approach your business challenges.
    Looking for work in Public Relations (PR)
    Located in Canada, Canada
    Budget on request
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)

    We make every conversation count.

    Citizen Relations is a global communications agency built by and for the modern citizen. Our mission is to make every conversation count; we believe that conversations lead to action and action leads to meaningful impact. We know our name comes with a responsibility, anchored by our values to champion equity, set the standard and do what’s right. Citizen integrates digital, creative & strategy, insights & intelligence and experiential into the way we build, execute and measure our earned-first programs. It’s our business to understand how and why people connect - to society, to brands and to each other - and that understanding is reflected in our work across such sectors as consumer packaged goods, food & beverage, automotive, gaming, tech and travel. Citizen has ten offices across North America and Europe, and in 2023, was named Strategy’s PR Agency of the Year - Gold and PRovoke Media’s Consumer PR Agency of the Year. Our work has been awarded from across the world from such shows as The Clios, Webbys, The One Show, LIAs, PRWeek Global and the Cannes International Festival of Creativity.
    Looking for work in Public Relations (PR)
    Located in Canada, Canada
    From €1,000 for Public Relations (PR)
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)

    A full-service agency that builds customized brand solutions. Our team is recognized for getting the job done.

    We get the job done, maximize corporate resources & create real economic impact.
    Looking for work in Public Relations (PR)
    Unknown location
    Budget on request
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English, Catalan
    11-50 members
  • (0 review)

    Advancing public relations in Toronto and the GTA | Local chapter of CPRS National

    Looking for work in Public Relations (PR)
    Unknown location
    From €1,000 for Public Relations (PR)
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English
    11-50 members
  • (0 review)
    Keep it simple with one cloud solutions provider. Over 6,000 partners and 60,000 companies grow their business using Sherweb’s services. With us as your partner, you’ll be surprised by what you can achieve.
    Looking for work in Public Relations (PR)
    Unknown location
    Budget on request
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English
    1-10 members

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Keep your public relations task in La Région-Sherbrookoise under control!

Sortlist helps you find the best agency in La Région-Sherbrookoise

In La Région-Sherbrookoise as well as in another country is, with our team, smoking out a communication bureau easy, rapid and transparent. Our team has a index consisting of a flood of top-drawer communication agencies internationally. The single task still left for you is to decide with which one your firm needs to collaborate.

Why would your company team up with a PR agency.

What we also eventually are able to declare is that the person who invests in a campaign in public relations without the tools to measure the payoff is senseless. Thus contacting a PR agency is the best practice to quickly weigh these outcomes.

La Région-Sherbrookoise, PR agencies to start your task.

The PR agencies in La Région-Sherbrookoise are amazingly brilliant in newsletter designing or press release writting, but how does your company designate the fitting collaborator? Sortlist sets the most pertinent PR agencies for your firm in a inventory, and it's costless. Thus send your assignment now, for example in communication with clients or press release writting, with Sortlist.

La Région-Sherbrookoise, a fruitful marketing campaign with a PR agency.

A hefty index of services is proposed by PR agencies, for example communication with clients and press release writting. So don't wait anymore and reach out to those bureaus through our platform, and you will manage to start your assignment really soon.

Thus, if your company wants to carry out an assignment in communication with clients, newsletter designing or even in press release writting, then your company doesn’t need to fritter away precious hours searching for a professional in La Région-Sherbrookoise. Because at Sortlist we have the means to aid you identify the ideal associate and you will doubtlessly realise that a campaign in public relations will have a true significance on your sales.

Our directory incorporates a profuseness of companies over the world, so if you are searching for a associate in La Région-Sherbrookoise then we are certain he is in our index. You will, once your company has dug out its company, begin a complete operation of action to manage the project of your enterprise.

Discover what other have done.

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