Machiavel Studios (+ 14 reviews) | Sortlist
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Machiavel Studios

Montreal, Canada
The Video Marketing Agency for Black Sheep. 💣
Machiavel Studios is the video marketing agency for black sheep. Born from the union of our marketing expertise and our experience in video production, we work with entrepreneurs to help them get out of the herd and achieve their ambitions. Our turnkey service, from creation to broadcasting, including filming and editing, has allowed us to bring companies and organizations such as Startup Montreal, Front Row Ventures, Metro Media, Meta4 Interactive and many others become disruptive voices in their market. Our unique video production process joins our 15 years of creative experience in video production and innovative campaign marketing strategies.
15 people in their team
Speaks English, French, Italian
15 projects in their portfolio
Works remotely across the globe
Sortlist member since 2023
Founded in 2018


9 services offered by Machiavel Studios

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  • Description
    Specialists in moving images, we know when to stop them at the right moment. Our photographers will allow you to leave a positive and lasting impression on your clientele, by displaying a unified aesthetic that is representative of your company. Make photography a strategic part of your communications and branding tools.
    Skills in Photography (12)
    Drone PhotographyEvent PhotographyFood PhotographyCommercial PhotographyFashion Photographydigital photographycreative photographyoutdoor photographyvideo advertisingphoto retouch+2
    Works in Photography (2)
    Didomi - Témoignage-client - Photography
    3D Animation Reel - Photography
    Clients in Photography (2)
    Fabrik8Software & Computer Services | international
    CambiaFood | international

    Learn more about Photography

  • Description
    Dozens of clients have trusted us to bring their brand out of the herd. Our focus on understanding objectives and values creates return on investments that beg only one question. Why haven't we done this sooner?
    Skills in Advertising (12)
    Billboard DesignGuerilla AdvertisingB2B AdvertisingBrandingDigital Campaigncreative advertisingbusiness advertisingcommercial advertisingonline marketing campaigndigital ad+2
    Works in Advertising (5)
    École Augustin Roscelli - Open House - Advertising
    Actoran - Vidéo Site Web - Advertising
    PhysioExtra - Vidéo de Présentation - Advertising
    RJCCQ - 30 ans - Advertising
    Clients in Advertising (5)
    Meta4 InteractiveVideo games | international
    RJCCQOthers | regional
    PhysioExtraHospitals & Healthcare
    ActoranOthers | local

    Learn more about Advertising

  • Description
    Machiavel Studios is expanding its range of services to include 2D, 3D and hybrid animation. It's an ideal solution for pushing the limits of your creativity and taking your video to the next level. With these technological advances, these two services make abstract ideas or processes visually comprehensible, facilitating communication with the audience. With 2D, 3D and hybrid animation, you're sure to stand out from the crowd!
    Skills in 3D (7)
    3D Animation3D Architecture3D Exhibition Booth Modeling3D Design3D Game Development3D Product Rendering3D Virtual Visits
    Works in 3D (3)
    3D Animation Reel - 3D
    Immopremium - Launch - 3D
    Transformers VR Launch Trailer - Meta4 Interactive - 3D
    Clients in 3D (3)
    Meta4 InteractiveVideo games | international
    CambiaFood | international
    ImmopremiumReal Estate | international

    Learn more about 3D

  • Description
    We capture the essence of every professional occasion. From conferences to trade shows, our experienced team uses state-of-the-art equipment to create captivating videos. With meticulous attention to detail, we produce high-quality video productions that vividly and movingly tell your story.

    On capture l'essence de chaque occasion professionnelle. Des conférences aux salons commerciaux, notre équipe expérimentée utilise des équipements de pointe pour créer des vidéos captivantes. Avec une attention méticuleuse aux détails, nous réalisons des productions vidéo de haute qualité qui racontent votre histoire de manière vivante et émouvante.
    Skills in Event (7)
    audio visual managementInternal Company EventConference OrganisationExhibition Organizationevent recordingImmersive ExperienceSponsoring
    Works in Event (3)
    Didomi - Témoignage-client - Event
    Salon International de la Femme Noire - 5e édition - Event
    Expérience Ville Intelligente - Québec - Event - Event
    Clients in Event (3)
    Audace au FémininNon-profit | international
    Arche InnovationGovernment & Administration | regional
    Fabrik8Software & Computer Services | international

    Learn more about Event

  • Description
    2D Animation is perhaps the best way to explain complex processes, products or services. It's the solution to complex demonstration exercices for your business. We love a challenge and it just so happens we mastered animation as another tool to take them on!

    L'animation 2D est sans doute le meilleur moyen d'expliquer des processus, des produits ou des services complexes. C'est la solution aux exercices de démonstration complexes pour votre entreprise. Nous aimons les défis et il se trouve que nous maîtrisons l'animation comme un outil supplémentaire pour les relever !
    Skills in Motion Design (3)
    Motion Graphics2D AnimationDigital Animation
    Works in Motion Design (3)
    Didomi - Témoignage-client - Motion Design
    Agence High5 - Présentation Necando - Motion Design
    2D Animation - Black Women Salon - Motion Design
    Clients in Motion Design (3)
    Agence High5Government & Administration | national
    Fabrik8Software & Computer Services | international
    Audace au FémininEntertainment & Events | international

    Learn more about Motion Design

  • Description
    Whether it's podcasts, advertising voiceovers, or experiential applications, we've mastered our audio expertise for years now. We've created over a dozen podcast series, had our recordings played at packed conferences, and had our voiceover work on videos surpassing hundreds of thousands of views.

    Qu'il s'agisse de podcasts, de voix off publicitaires ou d'applications expérientielles, nous maîtrisons notre expertise audio depuis des années. Nous avons créé plus d'une douzaine de séries de podcasts, nos enregistrements ont été diffusés lors de conférences très fréquentées et nos voix off ont été utilisées sur des vidéos dépassant les centaines de milliers de vues.
    Skills in Audio Production (8)
    Sound DesignMusic MixingMusic ProductionPodcast RecordingRadio Ad ProductionSound Identity ProductionPodcast Ad ProductionJingle
    Works in Audio Production (3)
    Insectarium de Montréal - Audio Production
    PhysioExtra - Vidéo de Présentation - Audio Production
    Immopremium - Launch - Audio Production
    Clients in Audio Production (3)
    PhysioExtraHospitals & Healthcare
    Espace pour la Vie MontréalEntertainment & Events | national
    ImmopremiumReal Estate | international

    Learn more about Audio Production

  • Description
    Preparing quality publications is time-consuming and takes you away from the important tasks of your business. With this package, we offer you the chance to prepare high-quality, hard-hitting content in advance!

    Préparer des publications de qualité prend du temps et te distance des tâches importantes de ton entreprise. Avec ce forfait, nous t'offrons de préparer un contenu percutant et de qualité, en avance!
    Skills in Social Media (6)
    Social Media ListeningSocial SellingSocial Media GrowthSM AnalyticsShow ReelSocial Media Strategy
    Works in Social Media (7)
    3D Animation Reel - Social Media
    Insectarium de Montréal - Social Media
    Métro Média - Marwah Rizqy - Social Media
    Club de Vin Jessica Harnois - Édition 2022 - Social Media
    Clients in Social Media (7)
    ImmopremiumReal Estate | international
    CambiaFood | international
    Espace pour la Vie MontréalEntertainment & Events | national
    Métro MédiaGovernment & Administration | local

    Learn more about Social Media

  • Description
    When your customers visit your social networking platforms or website, you only have one chance to make a good impression. We suggest you rely on a video presentation of your company to immediately set yourself apart from the competition.

    Lorsque tes clients visitent tes plateformes de réseaux sociaux ou ton site, tu n'as qu'une chance pour faire bonne impression. On te propose de miser sur une présentation vidéo de ton entreprise pour te démarquer immédiatement de la compétition.
    Skills in Video Production (11)
    Visual EffectsAudiovisual ProductionVoice OverVideo MarketingVideo EditingDrone ShootingVideo ShootingAudiovisualVisual EffectSound Effects+1
    Works in Video Production (13)
    Didomi - Témoignage-client - Video Production
    Salon International de la Femme Noire - 5e édition - Video Production
    3D Animation Reel - Video Production
    Insectarium de Montréal - Video Production
    Reviews in Video Production (11)
    Alexandre Cayer-Desforges
    Fred Simard
    Sylvain Drolet
    James Roche
    Clients in Video Production (13)
    RJCCQOthers | regional
    Audace au FémininNon-profit | international
    Productions Jessica HarnoisBeverage | international
    PhysioExtraHospitals & Healthcare

    Learn more about Video Production

  • Description
    Our advertising campaign service is designed to help your company stand out from the competition and reach new heights with top-quality video productions.

    Notre service de campagne publicitaire est conçu pour aider votre entreprise à se démarquer de la concurrence et à atteindre de nouveaux sommets grâce à des productions vidéo de qualité supérieure.
    Works in Marketing (3)
    Didomi - Témoignage-client - Marketing
    Actoran - Vidéo Site Web - Marketing
    Transformers VR Launch Trailer - Meta4 Interactive - Marketing
    Clients in Marketing (3)
    Meta4 InteractiveVideo games | international
    ActoranOthers | local
    Fabrik8Software & Computer Services | international

    Learn more about Marketing

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15 members in Machiavel Studios's team

Machiavel Studios cover
StoryAt Machiavel Studios, we consider ourselves a family more than a team. We're all united by the same passion to create stunning video campaigns that leave no one indifferent.
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Machiavel Studios was awarded 0 times


14 reviews for Machiavel Studios

(14 reviews)
Magalie LanielDirectrice générale at Association québécoise d'urbanisme
ServiceVideo Production

What was the objective behind your collaboration?Le projet consistait en la production de 5 vidéos de formation sur fond vert, d’une durée de 10 à 20 minutes chacune. Chaque vidéo inclut des infographies, des animations légères, et des diapositives de texte pour renforcer la compréhension. Les Studios Machiavel ont aussi fournit une animation en 3D de notre logo.

What did you enjoy the most during your collaboration?Leur efforts pour s'adapter au besoin immédiat dans le projet

Are there any areas for improvements?La production a connu quelques défis qui ont dérouté la ligne du temps initialement prévu. Malgré ces circonstances inhabituelles, ils ont consacrés de nombreuses heures supplémentaires sur le projet pour arriver à la livraison du projet avant la fin de l'été.

Magalie Laniel recommends this agency

ServiceVideo Production

Wanis Boukra-BettayebMarketing Manager at DNE
ServiceVideo Production
Verified review

What was the objective behind your collaboration?Create a video testimonials to attract new talents to our company.

What did you enjoy the most during your collaboration?Super effective communication, really fast and proactive, knowledgeable, etc.

Wanis Boukra-Bettayeb recommends this agency

ServiceVideo Production

Alexandre Cayer-DesforgesDirector of Developpement and Communications at Groupe Chevalier Séguin
ServiceVideo Production
Team11 - 50

What was the objective behind your collaboration?On cherchait à commercialiser plusieurs projets immobiliers avec des vidéos en drone FPV, mettre en place une stratégie de marketing vidéo et photo immobilière, et établir un partenariat à long terme avec une équipe de production fiable.

What did you enjoy the most during your collaboration?Ils ont toujours livré les projets à temps et ont été très réactifs à nos besoins. Ce que j'ai trouvé le plus impressionnant chez Studios Machiavel, c'est leur créativité innovante. L'utilisation de drones FPV et de Matterport pour créer des vidéos et des visites virtuelles de haute qualité est unique. Au final, c'était encore mieux que ce que je pensais.

Are there any areas for improvements?Aucune pour le moment. Continuez comme ça!

Alexandre Cayer-Desforges recommends this agency

ServiceVideo Production
Team11 - 50

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Contact details of Machiavel Studios


  • Headquarter4951 Ontario Street East suite 343, Montreal, QC, Canada